Meeting Room Monitoring

Desk and meeting room monitoring solution for employee use and for general office management

The client requested a desk and meeting room monitoring solution for employee use and for general office management, initially for 2 buildings in Florida. The client requested that all desk and meeting room occupancy data was sent via an API into their IBM TRIRIGA booking and reporting application.

Building managers needed live desk and meeting room occupancy data and a booking system. They wanted to utilise their pre-existing IBM TRIRIGA application to avoid the need for a separate application. The organisation also needed a quicker way of employees checking whether flexi-desks were available.

Our approved system integrator engineered a smart office solution enabling live desk occupancy (occupied/not occupied) and meeting room (people count) data to be sent to the clients IBM TRIRIGA booking and reporting application.

Solution Included:

  • MobiusFlow IoT Edge Gateway 
  • MobiusFlow Cloud
  • WPO PoE Connectors 
  • Desk occupancy sensors to show which desks are available 
  • PoE People Counters 
  • PoE Area People Counters 
  • Sensor Reporting in MobiusFlow 
  • IBM TRIRIGA Application

The client was able to quickly view and book available desks and meeting rooms and create ad hoc and scheduled reports through the IBM TRIRIGA application.

Book a discovery call with us to find out more

Meeting Room Monitoring
MobiusFlow, Ben Hargreaves 19 April 2023
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