How did it start?
Our Middleware Vision
Our middleware journey began over 17 years ago as a commissioning solution to help our engineers and project managers to efficiently, reliably, and securely execute projects.
Take on more projects, reduce costs and offer a wider range of solutions.
You can watch our vision in the adjacent video or watch it on YouTube via the link above.
By Engineers, For Engineers
Our Journey So Far...
Founded as a solution provider for building and lighting control systems in 2004, our engineers have evolved the art of connecting, controlling, and communicating with a wide range of new and old sensors, devices, and digital ecosystems.
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We are now building a community of system integrators and solution providers globally. Expand your product offering and increase revenue by providing complete solutions for both new and existing customers.

Innovation doesn’t always start in a lab - it can start sitting on a battered paint tin.
MobiusFlow was born out of internal frustrations with installation time, poor range of products and a very inefficient way of commissioning devices, not just for us, but generally as an industry wide problem for connected and configuring sensors, switches and systems.
Back in 2013 our CTO, Chris, sitting on a battered paint tin with a laptop, surrounded by the clatter and commotion of a new build block of pre-fabricated flats, was tasked with commissioning a range of devices (lighting control, water flow meters and temperature sensors) for a cutting-edge off-site build project, the process was anything but streamlined. One of our other founders (working on the environmental and commodity monitoring side of the project), curious about why such a modern project demanded so much time on-site, posed a simple set of questions: “why are you here?” and "is this a good use of your time?" That moment of frustration sparked a revelation (and a number of arguments) - there had to be a smarter, faster, and more seamless way to manage and integrate devices.
That paint tin didn’t just prop up our CTO with a laptop that day; combined with over 10 years of experience with time consuming commissioning and a prototype connectivity tool we built called Blueprint, it became the foundation of a vision. From that challenging three weeks on site, MobiusFlow was born—a platform engineered to simplify, accelerate, and improve how systems Connect, Control and Communicate.
What started as an internal solution to making us more efficient, allowed us to choose the best products for the job, commissioning remotely and give us bi-directional control based on actionable insights, is now empowering system integrators and solution providers globally to think bigger, work smarter, expand their market whilst deliver results faster.
With MobiusFlow, the complexities of connecting data has been simplified significantly.
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