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If you could use MobiusFlow to automate anything in your daily life, what would it be?

Ben Hargreaves

and why?

Chloe Foster

If I could use MobiusFlow to automate something in daily life, it would be managing snack cravings. Imagine a system that detects when you’re approaching the snack drawer and plays a dramatic warning sound or locks it if you’ve already hit your daily cookie quota. Bonus points if it can auto-order healthier snacks to replace the chocolate you swore you wouldn’t buy this week!

Zach Allen

If I could use MobiusFlow to automate something, it would be my morning routine. It could start the coffee machine when it senses me rolling out of bed, send a motivational pep talk to my phone, and even fake a “you’re running late” alarm if I hit snooze too many times. Basically, it would keep me functioning like a grown-up without my actual effort!

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