General MobiusFlow Questions

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Can MobiusFlow be integrated with AI or Machine Learning models for better analytics?

Liam Hayes

using third party systems and solutions such as Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, AWS, IBM watson etc?

1 Answer
Ben Hargreaves
Best Answer

MobiusFlow can integrate with various third-party AI and machine learning platforms to enhance analytics, predictive capabilities, and decision-making. The advantage of using MobiusFlow to push data to these platforms is that it is clean, consolidated / aggregated data so helps give peace of mind that machine learning is getting all the data it needs rather than some legacy or siloed data being left out. This is turn helps created a cohesive collection of data or 'single pane of glass'. 

If set up correctly you can also have bi directional controls which could control machinery speed, room temperatures etc based on preset parameters.  

We have AI and Machine learning on our development roadmap.
