MobiusFlow Services and Objects

Questions about MobiusFlow Services and Objects within the platform

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What are objects in MobiusFlow, and how do they function?

Dave Hedge

Can someone explain what "objects" are in MobiusFlow and how they are used within workflows?

1 Answer
Ben Hargreaves
Best Answer

In MobiusFlow, objects represent entities or resources that are monitored, controlled, or utilized within IoT workflows. They act as a bridge between physical devices (e.g., sensors, machines) and the digital workflows on the platform. Objects can store real-time data, provide an interface to interact with devices, and help define relationships between components. For example, an object might represent a temperature sensor in a smart building, allowing workflows to fetch or act upon the temperature readings.

Objects also enable modularity by encapsulating device-specific configurations and data, making workflows more reusable. When creating or managing objects, you can assign properties like state, attributes, or actions, which workflows leverage to drive automation. This abstraction makes it easier to manage IoT systems at scale.

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